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The bright side of Covid-19

Claudia Cioban
4 min readMar 27, 2020


How do you react to a global pandemic without preparation? I’m sure the heads of all the countries around the world at the moment are asking themselves this question daily and their citizens are impatiently waiting for the next news update…some are fearing the worst while others are seeing opportunities.

How can I see the good in this!?? In simple terms, because I choose to focus on it, let me share a little secret with you: I have time these days to reflect on almost everything taking place in my life and I make a choice everyday and night to be grateful.

I am sharing some of the rainbows I saw to take you away from all the panic we hear and read about in the news:

  1. I have more hours in a day and I…
  • see people when they walk past me, the few that get out haha
  • call friends (video calls!!)
  • meditate and exercise twice a day
  • go for long walks with my kids and we talk, laugh, it’s just wonderful and stress free
  • read..write(a bit obvious)
  • avoid Netflix as I see it as wasted time(always have though so this continues)

2. I think more about others

  • I buy local!!! I support the small restaurants and commerces within a 3 kms radius from me any way that I can
  • I am socially responsible for my clients, co-workers, friends (I will not expose others to the virus if I’m sick as it affects the entire population and can have a devastating impact on some- I will stay home!!)
  • I reach out to family and friends when I barely made time to answer a text from them before
  • I encourage people to exercise by planning and organizing video workout sessions daily
  • I am much more patient and helpful in my interactions

3. I relate to everyone, no matter who and where they are in the world

  • for the first time in history we are all in this together!!! We walk around with a deep fear in our eyes and trust no one and still manage to show kindness
  • on a basic human level, we are all insanely scared of this virus and when we share our fears, we admit our vulnerabilities which brings us closer and makes us more compassionate
  • presidents are collaborating, planning, making global decisions together for the betterment of the people, this has never happened before!
  • business owners are teaming up to find solutions by combining products, services and innovating faster then before with one goal in mind: to help improve our current situation instead of making profits

4. I am forced to slow down

  • kids are happy as we’ve stopped running from arena to arena and school is on hold lol well some days they’re bored, yet today my oldest told me that seeing how he’s got free time on his hands he will learn one hour of mandarin per day(way to go Mateo!! And..I had nothing to do with this! Proud Mom moment, gotta admit:)
  • I have time to rest and I feel less rushed in general (I have become more understanding when asking for a service from a provider)
  • I go one day at a time, all I have is now, life as I know it will no longer be tomorrow

5. I enjoy the free online resources…

  • exercise videos: yoga, pilates, meditation, etc
  • business webinars
  • courses
  • software
  • experts providing coaching and support

6. I realized that things don’t increase my happiness level…

  • I barely wear half the clothes in my closet yet I used to say that I have nothing to wear?! I can’t go anywhere now so who cares!?
  • I thought my condo wasn’t spacious enough, now I find it an empty space
  • I could have the prettiest dress, if I can’t wear out in the company of friends, it’s simply fabric

7. I am expressing a profound gratitude for…

  • my health
  • my boys and their sense of humour
  • meaningful face to face conversations while I still go into work and share feelings with co-workers(we fully relate to each other on most levels and when we don’t, we empathize and offer support)
  • my family and friends that (video) call daily even if it’s just a quick “checking in on you”
  • a local restaurant that’s still open for take-out at lunch, so rare now haha
  • being able to meet my financial obligations because I am disciplined
  • having access to food(lots of organic options since everything else sells out), water and a wonderful shelter over my head
  • fast internet access, my cell and technology that allows me to connect with anyone in the world
  • enough toilet paper rolls to last me for at least two weeks lol

Reading this far you probably had time to reflect on your own life and I truly hope that you found at least a handful of things to be grateful for in your life. If you’re still watching Netflix daily and fearing the apocalypse remember that there was a Genesis too, sometimes we have to reset the way things are in order to improve them or create new ways of life. We were running through life prior to Covid-19! We stopped talking to each other, we were having dinner with our cell phones on the table so we wouldn’t miss a text from all the other friends that were out having dinner with other friends, avoiding any real emotional and physical closeness and now it’s all we seek! This is a good time to talk about our basic human needs and to admit that we are social individuals and that we prefer company over solitude.

How can we change today?

Let us be: interdependent, connected, present, compassionate, loving, passionate, disciplined and agile!



Claudia Cioban

Life coach passionate about empowering people to believe in themselves. I am an ambassador of courage and human connections.